Monday, December 14, 2015

The D Word...

Although it is sad and no one wants it to happen, it does. Divorce is something that many married couples go through. According to the American Psychology Association 40-50% of married couples in the United States go through a divorce. Those who have never experience divorce or parents who have gone through a divorce are ignorant to how complex divorce actually is and how much it actually affects the family. To begin to understand the complexity of of divorce you must know the 6 stages of divorce.

Stage 1 ~ Emotional
Emotional divorce can begin before the couple is ever separated and continues when they are. Emotional divorce is when the couple begins to grow more emotionally distant from one another. 

Stage 2 ~ Legal 
This is when the couple is legally divorced and the marriage is officially dissolved in the eyes of the law.

Stage 3 ~ Economic
Stage 2 and 3 typically blend together. Economic divorce is when everything the couple has property-wise is legally separated. Usually the economic divorce is discussed and executed at the same time a legal divorce is.

Stage 4 ~ Coparental
Some couple skip this stage if they don't have children. However if they do they discuss who receives physical (where they reside) and legal (who makes the legal decisions for the child) custody of their children as well as the the visiting rights of the parent who does not have physical custody.

Stage 5 ~ Community
This concept is a little harder to describe but my teacher explained it like this, who get the friends. This is when the relationship between friends and family becomes separated between the couple.

Stage 6 ~ Psychic
This to me is the most important part of a divorce if a couple chooses to divorce. Psychic divorce is when each individual in the divorcing couple mentally and emotionally accepts that there is a separation. This one is important because some couple or individuals never reach this stage. They are constantly trying to be around their ex-spouse or be an active part in their lives and never accept that they are, in fact, separated. 

No matter the reason, divorce is hard for anyone one. It doesn't only affect the family directly but everyone who cares for this family choosing to divorce. All we can do is validate the individuals experience without getting too deep into the story or choosing sides and be a friend for them in a difficult time. Divorce never means the end there are always chances to build new relationships and maybe even get remarried. 

Teaching Teaches the Teacher

Dr. Michael Popkins, founder of Active Parenting Publishers, says that the purpose of parenting is to protect and prepare children to survive and survive in the world around them. He believes that the four critical characteristics for children to develop are to be
1) Respectful
2) Courageous
3) Cooperative
4) Responsible

Children develop these characteristics based on how they are parented. In class we discussed a lot about Popkins research and techniques on active parenting. The first way to be an active parent is to address the needs of the child. A child's need are the following:

Physical Contact & A Sense of Belonging: This means to pat them on the back when they do a good job on something or give them hugs. Put your arm around them or cuddle with them when you watching a movie. All these are way that you can subtlety give physical contact to a child. It's also important to give children the sense that they are wanted and belong in the family. The key is to offer it freely. Don't make them work for your affection that will be more damaging than good.

Power: You must give your child opportunities to make their own choices and endure the consequences that come from those choices whether they are good or bad. These are called natural consequences. However there are times when a parent should intervene in the choice making, which are when the choice or consequence is too dangerous, too far in the future, or when other are effected by the choice. By giving children power they learn response.ability (responsibility). When parents are too constricting or controlling over the child's choices it can cause them to become equally controlling or cause them to rebel.

Protection: Children need to be protected as they grow and develop. This comes from the parent being assertive and forgive towards the child. By giving a child this need it also teaches them how to forgive and protect themselves as they get older. If the child receives no protection and aren't taught forgiveness they instead learn to take revenge or have vengeful behavior.

Withdrawal: Yes it's true, children need to learn how to take healthy breaks. To explain this my teacher used the example of a boy working in the yard pulling weeds with his father. After a few hours of yard work they father tell the boy that he was doing a good job and deserved an ice cream break. After the break was over they got back to work in the yard. Addressing this need helps teach the child how to take breaks and then get right back to work. By teaching them these things they avoid learning procrastination or undue avoidance when learning how to start and finish different tasks.

Challenge: Children, as with anyone, needs to be challenged to learn and grow. When they are challenged they learn how to develop different skills which adds to their personality and character. When children are being challenged it can lead to excessive risk taking.

Now no parent is perfect, even though my mom and dad are pretty awesome, they aren't perfect. When these needs of a child aren't met by the parent it can cause behavioral issue with the child. This is where most parenting goes wrong. Since the child exhibits inappropriate behavior, parent try to fix their behavior in to how they believe their child should act. It is important for the parents to address the needs of the child and not the behavior. When the needs of children are met, improvement in behavior will follow.

Based on everything that has been discussed thus far it sounds like the child benefits a lot from parenting. Although this is true the parents benefit a lot too, maybe even more so. When being a parent an adult work hard, have motivations, give love willing, teaches selflessness, and gives opportunities to learn and grow. Most importantly it gives them yet another purpose is this life on earth. Teaching teaches the teacher and it's the same in parenting. As the child grows so does the parent.

Money, Money, Money

When I was younger if I wanted something my parents would make me save my own money to buy it. I didn't receive an allowance so to buy something I wanted took a lot of time and effort, saving money from birthdays, Christmas, and countless hours of babysitting. Eventually I would make enough and was able to buy what I desired. This has been true for many of the things I've wanted and it has taught me a valuable lesson on saving money. It also taught me how to decide what was valuable or worth my money and what wasn't. I am beyond grateful that my parents taught me this lesson as a child because now I'm conscious of my spending in college and focus my spending on my need and occasionally my wants.

In the family, finances are extremely important. The money that is provided by income pays for the needs and wants for a family and can help lead the family to success. However money can be the root for many problems within a family as well and according psychologists money is the cause for 70% of divorces. One way money can become a problem is when the idea of needs and wants are considered the same. So lets clarify what they are...

Needs are the basic necessities that are a essential to a family's survival such as food, water, shelter, electricity, clothing

Wants are everything else

When family members begin to blur the line of what is a need versus a want money can be spent on the wants which can then lead to lack of money for the needs. This can then lead to conflict within the family. It is important that this line is defined at the beginning of a marriage and is redefined as the family grows because when the family grows some needs change. When the line of needs and wants are defined they members of the family can spend and use their money in smart ways that will allow they family to live free of major financial trouble.

A smart way to be financially aware is create a budget. Budgeting can help you know where and how much of your money should be spent. Since being at school I've created a monthly budget for myself. I first looked at my spending trends for a month so I would have a realistic number to use when I created my budget. I then look at how much money I had and budgeted according to my needs and wants. Budgeting doesn't mean that you have to use your money solely on you needs and completely disregard the wants of an individual or a family. Budgeting allows you to address your needs first and then once those are accounted for you can budget some money for your wants. There are many different ways and tools you can use to budget and everyone's budget is unique to them. Budgets are ever changing because needs and wants are ever changing. For example, during my first semester of college I budgeted mainly for groceries, actives, eating out, and church funds. I've used that budget and it worked for me, until I took my clothing construction class this semester. I had to rearrange my budget according to the needs for that class because with fabric, zippers, buttons, and thread for various projects it wasn't just a few dollars I had to deal with adding.

In families budgeting changes just as often. As children grow their needs change. I come a family of 5 children and I think of the additional finances that were added to my family when we all started doing various activities, such as soccer, swimming, colorguard, and band. There are also the unforeseen finances that occur like ER visit or maybe a car breaking down. Budgeting for a family of multiple people is harder than for an individual, but it is possible. Practicing budgeting and smart spending allows the family to address the needs and wants of the family while avoiding financial conflict and crisis.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

You Can Say So Much Without Saying Anything At All

Communication is EXTREMELY important in any relationship. When you communicate you let you partner know what you appreciate and need in a relationship. It also gives the couple the opportunity to know if there is a problem within the relationship and work through it. When we think of communication the first thing the usually come to mind is verbal communication. Verbal communication is when words are used to discuss whatever idea you want to convey. Much can be said when using this form communication, however much more can be said when nothing is actually said at all.

Nothing being said is NOT the same as nothing being communicated. Non-verbal communications ends up communicating the most. Think about it, when someone gives you the silent treatment they aren't physically verbalizing anything but they are sure communicating a lot. Even though nothing is being said, when someone gives you the silent treatment you clearly understand that something is wrong and you should probably try understand the reason for the silent treatment and find ways to resolve the issue that caused the silent treatment in the first place. Body language is also a common form of non-verbal communication. When you see a somber look on someones face they probably not feeling too happy and are in need of some cheering up. When someone sits really close to you for no particular reason, they are probably interested in you. Body language can communicate a lot without using words.

In a relationship it is important to know how to communicate. This involves understanding the verbal communication but it also means being very in tune and aware of all the non-verbal communication. Being aware prevents small conflicts from escalating to bigger problems. It can also give opportunities to understand each other, enjoy one another, and talk through any issues.

In my experience, there needs to be balance of verbal and non-verbal communication, and for me that balance is more verbal than non-verbal. I'm one of those people that can pick up on subtle, non-verbal communications but it takes a little bit of time to do so. If someone wants me to understand their want or needs right then and there, they need to say it. It is easier and faster if someone verbally communicates what they need. It prevents any misinterpretations or misunderstandings that could otherwise be instantly understood. If you need something don't simply leave subtle hints hoping someone will pick up on it because it can take a while or not even happen at all. Both way of communication are needed in a relationship but it is important to understand and figure out when it is appropriate to use verbal communications versus non-verbal communication.

Crisis, Conflict, and Coping

Crisis and conflict, it is an inevitable part of life that we must all endure and with crisis comes stress. In a family setting this stress starts with a stressor event, which is anything that causes strain or tension. Not all of these stressor events cause the same amount of stress, some are more severe than others. According to the Marriage & Family textbook that we are currently using in my class the top five most severe stressor events in a family are

1. Death of a Child
2. Death of a spouse or parent
3. Separation or divorce of a spouse or parent
4. Physical or Sexual abuse between family members
5. Family member becomes physically disabled or chronically ill

All these stressor events cause crisis in the family but any stress and crisis can be overcome if the family uses appropriate coping mechanisms. Coping is the families reaction to crisis which can be either good or bad, it all depends on the attitude the family has. Attitude is the difference between making a crisis better or worse.

In class we compared coping in family crisis to pool coping. In case you don't know what that is, it is the red bricks in this picture.
Pool coping is the strongest part of the pool. It must be strong to withstand a lot of pressure and weight when people come in and out of the pool. Just like pool coping families must be strong before the crisis to withstand the pressure and weight of the conflict. Pool coping is also smooth which, when compared to the family, allows a smooth transition in and out of the pool or crisis. Lastly when the coping of the pool breaks you have a hard time trusting that part of the pool again. With the family if you choose a coping mechanism that doesn't work or cause a break in the family, it can cause a harder time to trust any coping mechanism. Coping is so vital when in a crisis. Even though it can be hard coping with crisis, it can stabilize and strengthen the family, which can only happen if the family understands how to cope with conflict and crisis.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Let's Talk About the Birds and the Bees

We've all heard about the birds and bees, there is no way of going around it. It's a natural part of life and is used to create life. In class my teacher made and interesting point when he said that the most powerful sex organ is in fact the brain! The brain is the source that makes sex mean something. When you think of it physiologically sex bring forth a rush of hormones to the brain. We have...

Serotonin~ this hormone relaxes the body

Dopamine~ this hormone tells the body to become excited and thrilled

Oxytocin~ this is the hormone that create and emotional bond or attachment from one person to the other

I want to focus on oxytocin. This hormone can be either helpful or detrimental in a relationship, depending on when it is released. Oxytocin bonds people together in an emotional way and this bond can't be broken, it'll always be a part of you. Yes, it can be hurt and damaged but never broken. This is one of many reasons why I believe in celibacy. Sex in marriage can bring people together. The bond that oxytocin gives strengthens the relationship. When done outside of marriage it creates bonds that are always there, even if the partner is not.

Sexual intimacy is something that should be thought of as sacred. In our world today we often taught that sex is bad and that we shouldn't do because it'll only hurt us, which isn't true. However sex is a beautiful, natural occurrence that no one should be scared or ashamed of. It was created by God so His children could come to earth and that is exactly how it should be used. Sex should only happen in the bonds of marriage where Heavenly Father's children can come down to earth in a loving home. Sex isn't a bad thing but it's power can be used and abused in the wrong way leaving more destruction than good, but if done at right time and place it can bond people forever.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

By the Way, They Did Live Happily Ever After

In many of the romantic comedy and chick flick films about weddings, it starts off with a little girl who plans and dreams of her perfect fairytale wedding and their happily ever after. By the time they are in their twenties they know everything they want down to the exact shade of blue or whatever color they choose to have at their wedding. Now this isn't one of those phenomenons that only happen in movies, with resources like Pinterest now available girls, teen, and young adults, they plan their perfect wedding for years. 

Now I've never been one of those girls. Sure I've thought about what I think would be nice at my wedding but the hair, shoes, dresses, and music are the parts of a wedding that I haven't put much thought into at all. After the wedding day is only that, a day. I do believe having a nice wedding is important, that day changes from being ordinary to important for the rest of you life. However a wedding lasts for a day but a marriage last for eternity.

I may have not thought about what my wedding one day will be like, but I am a huge Disney girl and have often thought about my "happily ever after" and what that means. Happily ever after is said to be unattainable in a marriage. I think differently! There will always be happy moments and experiences within a marriage but there will also alway be problems and trials are inevitable and they can be difficult to overcome. Happily ever after isn't easy nor is it perfect. It's hard work that may not always feel happy at all, but if you work through these hard time with your spouse they can bring great happiness and build a stronger relationship.

If you think about it trouble can occur very soon after the wedding day in terms of adjusting to life after the wedding, which can be very difficult for some people. No I am not married but based on what I've learned in my class I believe the first 1-2 weeks of a marriage can be the hardest. You take two people who have learned to live independently and force them to be dependent on each other in order to be successful. Different habits may have to change such as spending, eating, sleeping, and cleaning habits. Responsibilities change and traditions or rituals you grow up experiencing may change or stopped altogether. Just because these things may be difficult, it doesn't mean that you should disregard them and only see your marriage's impending doom. You have to work through them together and when you do, you can become closer than you were before. 

When I think of my "happily ever after" I think about the children I want to have. Children, though a sweet blessing, can cause strain and tension in a marriage. Miscommunications and misunderstanding may arise and husbands can feel as if their wife is putting all their time and energy on the child versus their relationship. Just like adapting to marriage, adapting to children can be difficult but they can be overcome and turn into amazing blessings. 

I'm not writing this post to show how difficult the reality of marriage is because these difficulties are mixed in with good and joyful experiences. Everything two people go through in a marriage can bring them closer together and appreciate each other more. I know one day I'll have a wonderful wedding that I will eventually plan but what I'm most excited for is the relationship I'll be able to have with my spouse and the opportunity to grow and love him. I'm excited to go through the ups and downs of marriage and find my happily ever after.

You Can Date and Not Have A Boyfriend!

Since starting college I've made it a goal to call home at least once a week. I find that if I call on Sunday's I'm able to have a nice long conversation with my family. If I know my weekends are going to be busy, I'll call home as I'm walking to my apartment from class and have a lovely 15-20 minute conversation with my mom. However, every time I call, whether it's my parents or siblings, the first question I'm always asked is...


Now you have to understand that my family isn't constantly pressuring me to start dating the first man I see walking across campus nor are they seeing me lesser than I am because they don't receive the answer they want to hear. 

Whenever I call I alway wonder if whoever is talking to me understands the difference between going on dates and having a boyfriend, then I realized that the definition of dating has changed. First off lets change the word. 

Dating means to go out with someone that you have an interest in

Courting means to be involved with someone romantically, with the intentions of marrying them.

Dating is something that should be done with a variety of people. What I mean is that you shouldn't only take one person on dates over and over again, instead you should take different people out on dates every time. Dating allows you to get to know a person. You'll find out what they like and what they don't, their interest and hobbies, and their overall personality. Dating can lead you to finding someone that you may take a real interest in which then can lead to courtship.

However before we can talk about finding "the one" we must clarify what a date actually is. Elder Dallin H. Oaks, an apostle for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, said that a date consists of the 3 P's, planned, paid for, and paired off. These three P's are what differentiate a date from simply hanging out. Dates must be planned ahead! You can't just be hanging out with someone and go to Subway and call it a date, you should ask before hand and make it known it's a date. Next pay for it, this doesn't mean that you have to do anything super expensive but if you ask someone on a date, you're treating them to something. Lastly paired off. If you decide to do something like a group date stick with your date, don't go hanging around other people and ignore the person you invited. Make it known that the person you invited to go on the date is in fact your date!

After dating and getting to know a variety of people you may come to find that you want to start courting someone. When courting you move beyond knowing what they like and dislike and begin to understand how they handle different situation and what they're like with different people. You begin to know them on a more romantic level in which you may see the potential for a successful marriage. When you decide to court someone you go into it know that marriage is a very possible outcome. Don't begin courting someone when you already know that they aren't someone you could marry because that starts to playing with emotions that can cause more damage than good in the end. 

So my answer to my family's questions...

Are you dating?
Of course I am!

Have you ever courted someone?
Nope but I hope to one day!

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Boy or Girl, Which One Am I?

What does it mean to be a girl?
What does it mean to be a boy?

 The Family: A Proclamation to the World defines the role of a woman as someone who bares and nurtures children. They are to teach them right and wrong and help them develop into strong independent men and women. The role of the man is different. They are the provider, protector, and presiders over the family. They work in different job to make money that is used to provide the basic need of a family. If someone were to attack their family they would stand up and protect them in any way possible. Even though the role of men and women are different they were divinely created specifically for each of us and men and women are see a equal partners in the sight of God.

Most of these traits, like nurturer or provider, are naturally developed by people as they grow. Women tend to grow up as nurtures whether it be a daughter helping a mother, babysitters, or simply women being more incline to the emotional cues of other. As I've grown up I've seen these trait develop in myself and found that I continue to develop more motherly attributes.

I started babysitting when I was 11 years old. Now at this age I never had children of my own to take care of or be responsible for. Needless to say I had no clue what to do. However as I babysat I began to figure out the needs of children of various ages and how to deal with different personalities as well as how to overall take care of children. I'm not saying I am expert and I still have much to learn but these qualities were brought over when I began nannying at 15. When I received my license when I was a nanny I was able to experience a taste of what it can be like being a mother by driving kids to various practices, cooking, and cleaning in a matter of hours. No one had sat me down and trained me to do these things, though I did have the example of my mother, they were in my nature of being a woman. Loving children and nurturing them in the different ways I could was something that came natural to me, I wasn't something that I had to work hard at to learn.

Same goes for men. In tradition families men are providers and protectors. In my family my dad works to fulfill the needs of my family. By working my dad has provided food, shelter, transportation, and so much more for my family. The idea to provide for the family wasn't something that my dad had to learn but it naturally came to him as he saw that he had a family to provide for.

In today's world these roles can be considered very sexist and that women and men need to be equal in everything. I'm not opposed to women taking on some of these natural male attribute, but it is once that these male attribute replace the divine role of a woman that I believe it is wrong. Same goes for men developing natural female attributes. God has divinely given us roles that we must uphold and fight for. Some people believe that it wrong for women to only be mothers but there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with a woman wanting to be a mother and wanting a husband being a provider for her and her children.

Even though gender roles are seen as wrong in the world today, they are extremely important in how the family functions and to help the family function in a positive, healthy way.

Saturday, October 10, 2015


What we do, where we live, and who we associate ourselves with determine what we will become. But who is to say that it is any different for the family. Not only can one family influence another but each person within the family can be influenced by each other whether we know it or not. For class we had to watch a video about a woman named Tammy. She is what we consider to be lower class. She lives in a trailer with her two sons and works for minimum wage at a Burger King. The video shows how she works hard to have a good life for her kids and how she aspires to go to college despite her financial struggle to become a school teacher. Her eldest son Matt explains how his friends are a class higher than he is. He's determined to finish high school and go on to college so he doesn't remain in the same class as his mother. In the update video 12 years later we see Matt and come to find out that he ended up dropping out of high school, never went to college, and remains in the lower class that he was so determined to leave. This may not have been the life he chose but it is the life he knows because of the influence of his mom. 

In this video series, it explores the idea of the influences of social class and how some people can be in the middle class and still go to a higher class functions. While taking on the facade of being a part of the upper class they act as though they belong there, when in actuality they still belong in the middle class. In this example we see how the upper class influences the middle class. Furthermore lower class and middle class people work for high class people which then adds more influence.

Not only does social class influence our families, but so do our cultures. I come from a very diverse city where all different kinds of people reside. The influence of one culture to another can add to the family dynamic and can bring traditions into the family. When my parents were married my dad brought many of his Italian traditions into my family. Through my own experience I can see how different culture and social class can influence other, whether it's for better or for worse, it all depends on the family.

Monday, October 5, 2015

It All Depends on the System!

How do families work?
This question isn't something that usually crosses people's minds when they think of the family. When I hear the word "family" I think of what it is, how it plays a huge role in my life, and how important it is. However I've come to realize is that I've never really thought about how the family unit actually works! As I've done some reading I found that all these explanations boil down to one thing, the family dynamics. However there isn't just one way to explain how the family works, there are many different theories. Just as each individual person is unique so is each family. Not one works exactly the same way another does, hence the many different theories. One theory in particular that grabbed my attention is the

Family Systems Theory

This theory explains that each individual in the family unit has a distinct purpose to help the family as a whole. Or in other words each person has a specific role in the family. Now this role isn't stagnant nor does it come in come in slight variations of each other, they are ever changing as the family and individuals grow and develop.

In class we discussed how a young man (let's call him Will) was living his life by making poor decisions that would get him into trouble. He was then sent to a school for boys where he was progressing and changing into a better person. After Will left this school he went back to his "old life" and reverted back to his old ways, getting into trouble again.

Why would he do that? After all that progress why go back to square one? After pondering this I think it all goes back to the idea of being a part of a system. Will's life before the school was a system consisting of his friends and family where he played a very specific role. When he went to the school for boys he began to change because his system was changed. When he was at the school he started to interact with others differently and even received different responsibilities. He was developing different habits which began to change how he acted. He had a new role in a new system. However when Will left the school he reverted back to his old habits because once again his system changed. It didn't change to something he wasn't familiar with, but it did change to the old system he was a part of, where he went back to playing the role he had before going to the school.

Now that I've been in college I've found myself in a similar situation. When I'm home in California with my family I have a specific role that I play that aids in the family dynamic because of the certain responsibilities that I need to meet. When I'm up in Idaho my "family" changes and so does my system. I live on my own and have different responsibilities. I have a certain day I do laundry, I cook all my own meals, and I manage my time according to my needs with social activities, school, church, ect. When I go on break and go home to California I revert back to the role I play in my real family where I can do my laundry pretty much whenever I want, I don't have to cook all my meals, and my time management isn't only about what I need done but what my mom and siblings need done as well. It just depends on the system I'm in.

So when asked the How do families work?  My answer is that it is all about the system. If each person has a positive role in the family system, it can thrive and be amazing. On the flip side if each person has a negative role or doesn't feel like they need to fulfill their role it can cause many conflicts within the family. In the end families can flourish or they can collapse, it all depends on the system and the role each person plays to help the whole! 

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Where are the Children?

Does it really matter how many children I have?
In this day and age the family is a term that is becoming more and more vague and defined by so many different things. The definition of a traditional family is generally defined as two parents and some children. But what happens when the children are becoming an after thought? I, myself, have always wanted a big family and hope to have one someday but people now are choosing to delay having children as they opt for other endeavors  such as a career, instead. When putting something like a career first, it can limit the number of children a woman can will want to have, leaving most them to have maybe one child, if any at all. Now most would think, "Whether I choose to have kids or not is my choice" and "The number of children I want to have is not going to affect anyone but my family and me." However it is amazing how low the birth rate has dropped since the 1950's. 
The fact that the world is overpopulating and we are going to run out of resources is true, however it's leading people to believe that having less children is the solution and that is simply not true. With the advancements in technology today the life expectancy of a person is longer than it was 50 years ago. This means that the population is growing because people are living longer than they used to. That being said, as the elderly generation begins to pass away, there won't be many children to replace them within a population, ultimately leading a decrease in population. A decrease in population can eventually lead to many problems including issues in the work force as well as an economic crisis.
So now I want you to ask yourself, does it really matter how many children I have? Of course it does!
Now I know what you're thinking, why is this girl who has never had children telling me that I must have a lot of them and I am by no means telling you how many you should have. Instead I encourage you to truly consider how many children would be right for your family. Certainly careers are important and supporting your family is important but it shouldn't replace importance of having a family.
As you ponder the question above I want to talk about what I learned in class. In class, we discussed the question if families decide to have one child who would it affect the most. My conclusion was that it affects the parents the most. Children are so innocent and see the world in a way that we as adults cannot. They give us perspective and without them we'd miss out on so many learning opportunities. Whether you choose to have one or ten is up to you and your spouse. Just remember that whatever you choose affects more people than you think.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

This is me!

My name is Susie Viazzo and currently a student at BYU-Idaho studying Family and Consumer Sciences Education. One of the required classes that I have to take for my major is Family Relations and that is why I've started this blog. I've never done this before but I'm super excited to start! A little about me is that I am from the East San Fransisco Bay Area in the sunny state of California and have lived there my entire life. I love being outdoors doing all kinds of things. I especially like hiking, longboarding, and wakeboarding and will do them any chance I get. I've picked up playing the ukulele in the last year and I would play it all the time if I could. I also love to do anything with food whether it be making it or eating it, however baking is my real passion. Last but not least, I absolutely love my family and everything we do together and I wouldn't have them any other way!